Прашања за провека на познавање на странски јазик (Англиски ниско ниво)

English for Category G of administration servants (A1)

Directions. Each question consists of an incomplete sentence.

Three words or phrases, marked (A),  (B),  (C), are given beneath each sentence.

You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. How _______ you? Very well, thank you.

a)     Are

b)     Is

c)      have

2. Where  _______ you from?

a)     has

b)     are

c)      is

3. Are you Canadian? _______.

a)     Yes, she is

b)     Yes, am I

c)      Yes, I am

4. My relatives _______ in New Zealand.

a)     live

b)     lives

c)      living

5. Our friend _______ in Hong Kong.

a)     lives

b)     live

c)      living

6. Sarah _______ like coffee.

a)     don’t

b)     doesn’t

c)      do

7. My son goes to school_______ bus.

a)     by

b)     by the

c)      in

8. Diana _______ a new car.

a)     having

b)     has

c)      have

9. Do you speak English? _______.

a)     Yes, I do

b)     Yes, we don’t

c)      Yes, I don’t

10. Where _______ bank?

a)     the nearest is

b)     is the nearest

c)      is near

11. Give _______ , please!

a)     the book  me      

b)     me the book

c)      to me book

12. There _______ many books in the library.

a)     are

b)     is

c)      have

13. How many students _______ in the class?

a)     are there

b)     there are

c)      have there

14. Kevin _______  speak French.

a)     does can

b)     can

c)      cans

15.  _______ Brian working this week?

a)     Does

b)     Is

c)      Has

16. We can go out now.  It _______ any more.

a)     not raining

b)     isn’t raining

c)      doesn’t raining

17. Hello Catherine. Are you _______ the sun?

a)     enjoying

b)     enjoy

c)      enjoyed

18. I come from Ireland. Where _______ from?

a)     you come

b)     do you come

c)      you are coming

19. Vegetarians _______ meat.

a)     doesn’t eat

b)     not eat

c)      don’t eat

20. _______ Liz often drink tea?

a)     Do

b)     Is

c)      Does

21. Sharon _______ late for the meeting yesterday.

a)     were

b)     was

c)      did

22.  _______ you absent from work last week?

a)     Was

b)     Have

c)      Were

23. There _______  anybody in the house.

a)     weren’t

b)     hasn’t

c)      wasn’t

24. He _______ at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.

a)     got up

b)     get up

c)      gets up

25. Where _______  on holiday last summer?

a)     did you went

b)     did you go

c)      you went

26. Kate and John _______ a big breakfast yesterday.

a)     had

b)     have had

c)      have

27. My friends _______   to travel by train.

a)     is going

b)     are going

c)      going

28. Are you_______ to start a new job?

a)     go

b)     going

c)      gone

29. Fiona _______ to see that terrible film.

a)     is not go

b)     is not going                               

c)      has not go

30. How _______ did you pay for the lunch?

a)     much

b)     money

c)      many

31. There _______ a big park near my house.

a)     has

b)     is

c)      are

32. _______  there many workers in the new factory?

a)     Are

b)     Is  

c)      Have

33. Simon likes _______ to music.

a)     listen

b)     listening

c)      listens

34. John hates _______ in the rain.

a)     waits

b)     waiting

c)      wait   

35. Some people love _______ detective stories.

a)     read  

b)     reading

c)      to reading

36. I’d like to visit _______ United States of America.

a)     the 

b)     an

c)      Ø  

37. Jim works six days _______ week.

a)     a

b)     in

c)      the

38. Julia is _______ worker in the firm.

a)     a excellent

b)     excelent

c)      an excellent

39. Whose books _______ ?

a)     is these             

b)     are these

c)      are this

40. _______ George’s car.

a)     That is

b)     This are

c)      These are

41. _______ tell anyone my secret. Do you promise?

a)     Don’t

b)     Do          

c)      Have

42. _______ the window, please!  It’s very hot in here.

a)     Opening

b)     Open

c)      Closing

43. Jenny looks _______ than she really is.

a)     young

b)     youngest

c)      younger

44. Jack drives _______ car.

a)     the most expensive                         

b)     a expensive

c)      the expensive

45. The United States is very large, but Canada is_______ .

a)     large

b)     larger

c)      largest

46. What is _______ popular sport in your country?

a)     many

b)     the most

c)      the much

47. Some North American food is very good, but I don’t like most of _______.

a)     her

b)     it

c)      them

48. I’d like to have _______ , please!

a)     an apples

b)     an apple

c)      a apple

49. What would you like to_______ ?

a)     drink

b)     drinking

c)      drank

50. Susan is _______ late for work.

a)     never

b)     ever

c)      yet

51. Have you _______ lived in Paris?

a)     nearly

b)     ever

c)      never

52. I _______ surf on the Internet.

a)     yet

b)     often

c)      ever

53. Come _______!

a)     their

b)     here    

c)      there                

54. Go _______!

a)     here

b)     there

c)      their

55.  _______ drinks milk.

a)     Cats

b)     Cat

c)      A cat

56. Dogs _______ good friends to people.

a)     have

b)     are

c)      is

57.  _______ are good to eat.

a)     An orange

b)     Oranges

c)      The orange   

58.  _______  apple grows on a tree.

a)     A

b)     An

c)      Ø 

59. I eat bread and _______ for breakfast.

a)     butters

b)     butter

c)      a butter

60. We had chocolate _______ for dessert.

a)     an ice-cream

b)     ice-cream

c)      a ice-cream

61. How _______ money did you pay for the fruit and vegetables?

a)     more

b)     much

c)      many

62. We must drink _______.

a)     a water                        

b)     water

c)      water’s

63.  _______ grows in fields.

a)     Grass

b)     A grass                         

c)      Grasses

64. David likes strawberry _______ on a piece of bread.

a)     jam

b)     a jam

c)      jams

65. My friends always listen to _______.

a)     music

b)     a music

c)      musics

66. Whose is this book? It’s_______.

a)     my

b)     mine

c)      me

67. This is _______ new home.

a)     ours

b)     our

c)      us

68. This is Tom and that's _______ brother Jack.

a)     him

b)     his

c)      he                         

69.  _______ sister is a teacher, isn’t she?

a)     You

b)     Your

c)      Yours

70. Kristina is _______ good friend.

a)     their

b)     them

c)      they

71. Fred _______ play tennis very well.

a)     is

b)     cans

c)      can

72. You _______ have another slice of pizza if you'd like.

a)     can

b)     cans

c)      are

73. _______ Margaret  play the piano?

a)     Cans

b)     Can

c)      Is

74. They _______ speak Spanish when they were in Latin America.

a)     can

b)     could 

c)      were

75. Linda _______read and write when she was five years old.

a)     could

b)     has

c)      can

76. I’m sorry, I _______ your lunch.

a)     can’t to prepare

b)     can preparing            

c)      can’t  prepare

77. Max _______  swim when he was four years old.

a)     couldnot

b)     couldn’t

c)      couldn’t to

78. This cake is _______ tasty.

a)     vary

b)     various

c)      very

79. The workers get _______ tired.

a)     realy

b)     really

c)      reall

80. Don’t work _______ hard!

a)     two

b)     to

c)      too

81. I’ll be home _______ Sunday morning.

a)     in

b)     on

c)      at

82. Our exam will begin _______ 11 o’clock.

a)     on

b)     at   

c)      in                          

83. Tessa’s birthday is _______ October.

a)     in

b)     on 

c)      at

84. People go skiing _______ winter.

a)     on  

b)     in                      

c)      at

85. My friends visited the zoo _______ San Diego.

a)     for

b)     on

c)      in

86. Our flat is _______ the second floor of the building.

a)     at

b)     in

c)      on

87. Children always go _______ school on foot.

a)     to

b)     for

c)      in

88. I was born _______ Macedonia.

a)     on

b)     in

c)      at

89. Many planes fly _______ the Atlantic Ocean.

a)     for

b)     over  

c)      to

90. How do you _______?

a)     do

b)     did

c)      done

91. How _______?

a)     you are

b)     are you

c)      have you

92.  _______ the weather like today?

a)     What do

b)     How’s

c)      What’s

93.  _______ you work?

a)     Have

b)     Are

c)      Do

94. There is a swimming pool _______ the park.

a)     near

b)     for

c)      next

95. What _______ today?

a)     you do

b)     have you do

c)      are you doing

96. There is a table _______ of our dining room.

a)     of the middle

b)     in the middle                   

c)      in middle

97. There _______ a big garden behind our house.

a)     have

b)     is

c)      are

98. Tina’s hair is red  and her _______ are brown.

a)     eye

b)     eyes

c)      eye’s

99. There are many _______ in each classroom.

a)     desks

b)     desk   

c)      desk's

100. My relatives travelled to Australia  _______ boat.

a)     in

b)     by

c)      with

101. William Shakespeare _____ born on April 23.

a)     has been

b)     is

c)      was

102. What _____? Brenda.

a)     your name was

b)     your name is

c)      is your name

103. She has a sister, and so _____ he.

a)     is

b)     does

c)      did

104. We bought _____ apples from the market.

a)     a couple

b)     a little

c)      some

105. _____ anniversary is coming up.

a)     Their

b)     There

c)      They're

106. Mark is at the top of his class; he's _____ smart.

a)     lots

b)     to

c)      very

107. This is _____ simpler than I expected.

a)     much

b)     very

c)      so

108. Her birthday falls _____ Easter this year.

a)     at

b)     in

c)      on

109. We _____ to Croatia last summer.

a)     have gone

b)     went

c)      were

110. Bring me _____ books from the car, please.

a)     those

b)     this

c)      them

111. Please _____ carefully.

a)     driving

b)     drive

c)      you drive

112. Don't _____ me again!

a)     call

b)     to call

c)      do call

113. The _____ names are Anna and Marie.

a)     girls

b)     girl's

c)      girls'

114. _____ ligher is this?

a)     Who's

b)     Whose

c)      Who is

115. I'm very interested _____ history.

a)     in

b)     about

c)      of

116. _____? She's really friendly and kind.

a)     What's she like?

b)     What does she like?

c)      Who does she like?

117. You've paid _____ much for that shirt; it's not worth it.

a)     to

b)     too

c)      two

118. Are you serious? Yes, I _____.

a)     have

b)     am

c)      do

119. I didn't finish the assignment. Me _____.

a)     also

b)     neither

c)      two

120. She _____ care what he says.

a)     not

b)     doesn't

c)      didn't

121. I'll see you _____ Friday.

a)     at

b)     on

c)      in

122. I need this finished _____ the end of the week.

a)     by

b)     until

c)      till

123. We need to go _____ work now.

a)     to

b)     in

c)      at

124. Be quiet, the baby _____ at the moment.

a)     has been sleeping

b)     sleeps

c)      is sleeping

125._____ John got a pet?

a)     Has

b)     Does

c)      Is

126. Hello! How _____ you do?

a)     do

b)     are

c)      did

127. Where's your sister? I don't know, I _____ her yet.

a)     didn't see

b)     haven't seen

c)      didn't seen

128. She arrived _____ the airport with plenty of time to spare.

a)     at

b)     in

c)      to

129. She doesn't cook very _____.

a)     great

b)     well

c)      good

130. We _____ out together.

a)     go often

b)     are often go

c)      often go

131. Is this pen yours? No, it's _____.

a)     her

b)     their

c)      his

132. Did you _____ a good time last night?

a)     have

b)     spend

c)      enjoy

133. I enjoy _____ historical novels.

a)     reading

b)     to read

c)      read

134. It started raining _____.

a)     before a hour

b)     an hour ago

c)      an hour before

135. I'd like _____ to you, if you have a minute, please.

a)     talk

b)     to talk

c)      talking

136. She _____ tennis every day.

a)     is playing

b)     plays

c)      play

137. I fell and _____ my tooth this morning.

a)     breaked

b)     broke

c)      broken

138. I need to make dinner, there is _____ to eat in the house.

a)     nothing

b)     something

c)      anything

139. Whose phone is this? It's _____.

a)     mine

b)     my

c)      me

140. Look at that overcast sky! _____ rain.

a)     That's going to

b)     It's going to

c)      There's going to

141. When _____ have a test?

a)     are we going to

b)     we are going to

c)      will we to

142. All your paintings are beautiful, but this one is _____.

a)     the most beautiful

b)     the most

c)      more beautiful

143. My backpack is heavy, but yours is _____.

a)     heavier

b)     much more heavy

c)      very heavy

144. We have water, _____ we have no juice.

a)     and

b)     but

c)      or

145. How old are you? _____.

a)     I have 34 years old

b)     I'm 34 years old

c)      I have 34 years

146. Do you own a car? Yes, I _____.

a)     have

b)     do

c)      own

147. What _____? I'm a lawyer.

a)     do you do

b)     are you doing

c)      are you working

148. I've got _____ free time next week.

a)     a lot of

b)     lots

c)      very much

149. The children are playing _____.

a)     happy

b)     happily

c)      good

150. I don't have _____ money to lend you.

a)     some

b)     any

c)      no

151. Where _____ on Saturdays?

a)     Brad goes

b)     does Brad go

c)      do Brad goes

152. _____ delicious food!

a)     So

b)     Which

c)      What

153. How are your kids?

a)     They are a boy and a girl.

b)     They're very well.

c)      They are in school.

154. This shirt is _____ that one.

a)     the same as

b)     different than

c)      as

155. Do you mind _____ for 5 more minutes, please?

a)     to wait

b)     waiting

c)      waited

156. _____ is my phone, put it down!

a)     These

b)     That

c)      Their

157. _____ here today?

a)     Is Mark

b)     Does Mark

c)      Mark is

158. My sister lives in London with _____ husband.

a)     her

b)     hers

c)      she

159. Teresa works in a restaurant and _____.

a)     Jerry does

b)     so does Jerry

c)      Jerry too does

160. _____ clever plan!

a)     How a

b)     What a

c)      So a

161. Is he French? _____.

a)     Yes, he is

b)     Yes, he does

c)      Yes, he are

162. Do you like coffee? Yes, I _____.

a)     like

b)     do

c)      am

163. I like coffee, but I _____ like tea.

a)     won't

b)     don't

c)      not

164. My birthday is _____ May.

a)     on

b)     in

c)      at

165. I got a tablet _____ my birthday.

a)     for

b)     from

c)      at

166. Do you go skiing _____ winter?

a)     at

b)     in

c)      on

167. Take _____ your coat and make yourself comfortable.

a)     off

b)     out

c)      away

168. I am afraid of flying; I never travel _____ plane.

a)     by

b)     with

c)      on

169. She lives _____ 5th Avenue in New York.

a)     on

b)     at

c)      in

170. Where's your father? He's _____.

a)     in home

b)     at home

c)      in the home

171. Are you busy at the moment? Yes, _____.

a)     I'm

b)     I am

c)      I do

172. Who's that? _____ Mike.

a)     It's been

b)     It's

c)      Its

173. This is _____ sister.

a)     mine

b)     my

c)      me

174. _____ boys here are my cousins.

a)     This

b)     Those

c)      These

175. She runs _____ than anyone else in her class.

a)     fastest

b)     faster

c)      more fast

176. That's a lovely picture _____ the wall.

a)     up

b)     on

c)      at

177. I bought _____ flowers from the market.

a)     any

b)     some

c)      a

178. _____ you lend me some money, please?

a)     Maybe

b)     May

c)      Could

179. We don't have _____ milk.

a)     some

b)     no

c)      any

180. I'm sure Brian speaks French, _____ does Bill?

a)     but

b)     and

c)      or

181. This is my desk, and that one is _____.

a)     his

b)     he's

c)      him

182. What _____ she want for her birthday?

a)     does

b)     is

c)      do

183. _____? She's 25 years old.

a)     How many years has she

b)     How old is she

c)      How old she is

184. He _____ every morning.

a)     run

b)     runs

c)      is running

185. _____? I'm from Mexico.

a)     Where are you from

b)     Where you are from

c)      From where you are

186. He _____ tennis with me yesterday.

a)     didn't play

b)     didn't played

c)      doesn't play

187. Where _____ last summer?

a)     do you went

b)     did you went

c)      did you go

188. My son is only 5 years old but he _____.

a)     cans read

b)     can read

c)      can reads

189. I _____ my computer very often.

a)     am not use

b)     don't use

c)      am not using

190. _____ your name? Jerry.

a)     How's

b)     What's

c)      Who's

191. Excuse, could you _____ your last name, please?

a)     spelled

b)     spell

c)      spells

192. I'm Janet and this is Ken; _____ your new neighbours.

a)     where

b)     we're

c)      were

193. _____ three airports in the city.

a)     There is

b)     There are

c)      It has

194. _____ a pet?

a)     Have you

b)     Do you have

c)      Do you has

195. I sing, and my brother is _____ artist.

a)     an

b)     a

c)      Ø 

196. She _____ at school last week.

a)     weren't

b)     wasn't

c)      doesn't

197. The living room is _____ than the bedroom.

a)     more big

b)     very big

c)      bigger

198. I hate tea! _____!

a)     Me, too

b)     I, also

c)      I, too

199. I'm really sorry, but I _____ come to your house tonight.

a)     can't

b)     can

c)      not

200. _____ 20 children in the class.

a)     They are

b)     There is

c)      There are