Прашања за провека на познавање на странски јазик (Англиски средно ниво)


English for Category V of administration servants (A2)



Directions. Each question consists of an incomplete sentence.

Three words or phrases, marked (A),  (B),  (V), are given beneath each sentence.

You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


1. Anna was born _______.

a)     twenty years before

b)     ago twenty years

c)      twenty years ago


2. Where_______  your last summer holiday?

a)     did you spend

b)     you spent

c)      have you spend


3. Are you going _______ tomorrow?

a)     work

b)     to work

c)      to working


4. Jack _______ stop smoking.

a)     must to

b)     should

c)      should to


5. Tina _______  attend the meeting tonight.

a)     doesn’t have to

b)     mustn’t to

c)      needn’t attending


6. What _______ for lunch yesterday?

a)     did you have                                       

b)     you had

c)      do you have


7. It  _______ very hot next summer.

a)     will be

b)     willing be

c)      wills be


8. We really  _______ to our friends.

a)     should to talk

b)     need to talk

c)      must to talk


9. The weather _______ very nice this spring.

a)     has been

b)     is been

c)      will been


10. Tom and Betty  are _______ a long walk.

a)     going taking

b)     go to take

c)      going to take


11. It is _______ today than it was yesterday.

a)     the coldest

b)     colder

c)      cold


12. The test was _______ difficult than we expected.

a)     more

b)     very

c)      the most


13. Dena’s house is _______ than ours.

a)     more big

b)     bigger

c)      the biggest


14. San Francisco is one of _______ beautiful cities in the world.

a)     the more

b)     the most

c)      most


15. The Amazon is _______ river in the world.

a)     longer

b)     the longest

c)      longest


16. Erica was _______ student in our school.

a)     the best

b)     best

c)      the bestest


17. Taxis  _______ available at the airport.

a)     are usual

b)     are usually  

c)      are usualy


18. Beth _______  some help.

a)     needs probably

b)     probable needs

c)      probably needs        


19. They _______ out to eat in a restaurant.

a)     seldom going

b)     seldom go                      

c)      go seldom


20. In Australia, the summer season _______ in December.

a)     general begins

b)     begins generaly

c)      generally begins


21. _______ been to London?

a)     You ever have

b)     Have you ever              

c)      Ever have you


22. Robin has _______ brother in Dublin.

a)     a

b)     Ø

c)      The


23. Kate has  _______   sisters in Spain.

a)     Ø

b)     the

c)      a


24. We need  _______ air to breathe.

a)     Ø

b)     a

c)      an


25. It is an honour to have _______ university degree.

a)     a

b)     an

c)      Ø


26. A cheeseburger has _______ cheese, and a hamburger doesn’t.

a)     Ø

b)     a

c)      an


27. Could you answer _______   telephone, please?

a)     the

b)     a

c)      Ø


28. I am hungry. Do we have _______ bread?

a)     many

b)     any

c)      no


29. I’d like to drink _______ coffee.

a)     some

b)     none

c)      any


30. There are _______ cars in the cities nowadays.

a)     many

b)     much

c)      any


31. How_______ money does this laptop cost?

a)     much

b)     many

c)      few


32. Neil needs _______ time to finish his painting.

a)     any

b)     some

c)      many


33. Are there _______ chairs in the garden?

a)     any

b)     no

c)      much


34. It stopped _______ a few minutes ago.

a)     raining

b)     rain

c)      rained


35. Keep on  _______. Don’t stop.

a)     work

b)     working

c)      to working


36. Isabel is thinking about _______ to Hawaii.

a)     to go

b)     going

c)      go


37. Marie and Max  _______to study tonight.

a)     are going

b)     is going

c)      are go


38. Margaret _______ to be in class tomorrow.

a)     isn’t go

b)     doesn’t going

c)      isn’t going


39. Are you _______ another apple?

a)     going take

b)     go to take

c)      going to take


40. Jackie _______ the piano.

a)     can play

b)     can to play

c)      can plays


41. You _______ from the Philippines to Australia.

a)     can't driving

b)     can to drive

c)      can’t  drive


42. Martha _______ to class last week.

a)     couldn’t come

b)     could to come

c)      couldn’t to come


43.Sally _______ study harder.

a)     should to

b)     should have

c)      should


44. We _______ more fruit and vegetables.

a)     shouldn't to eat

b)     should eat

c)      should to eat


45. Tom _______ his history report tonight.

a)     has to do

b)     have to have

c)      have to do


46. The students _______ a test next Monday.

a)     have take

b)     have to take

c)      have taken


47. They usually _______ lunch at the cafeteria.

a)     eat

b)     are eat

c)      eats


48. It’s not raining now. The sun _______ .

a)     shine

b)     is shining

c)      is shine


49. We are at the supermarket now. We _______ butter, milk and cheese.

a)     need to buy

b)     are buy

c)      is buying


50. _______ to visit the Adriatic Sea?

a)     You plans                        

b)     Do you planning

c)      Are you planning


51. Ron _______ to Chicago next week.

a)     is flying

b)     flying

c)      will flying


52. _______ a taxi to the airport tomorrow?

a)     Will taking you

b)     Are you taking

c)      Do you taking


53. Jane _______ to our party tomorrow night.

a)     is come                          

b)     will coming

c)      is coming


54. Alexander  Graham Bell _______ the telephone.

a)     invented

b)     invent

c)      has invent


55. My friends _______ a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night.

a)     had

b)     have

c)      was having


56. _______ Jack’s parents when they visited him?

a)     Did you met

b)     Did you meet

c)      You meet


57. While Bob _______, the phone rang.

a)     is sleeping

b)     was sleep

c)      was sleeping


58. Mrs Cabot was planting flowers in her garden while her children _______.

a)     are playing ball

b)     were playing ball                      

c)      play ball


59. Paul was eating dinner last night when someone _______ on the door.

a)     is knocking

b)     knocked 

c)      knocks          


60. _______ to China?

a)     Have you go

b)     Have you be

c)      Have you been


61. _______ three cups of coffee this morning.

a)     I’ve drunk

b)     I’ve drinking

c)      I’ve drank


62. Mark  _______ very hard this week.

a)     hasn’t worked

b)     hasn’t work

c)      hasn’t works


63. Dave and Jane have just _______ in Belgium.

a)     arriving

b)     arrived

c)      arrive


64. Children like_______ computer games.

a)     playing

b)     played

c)      play


65. Thank you for lending us your book. We’ll enjoy_______ it.

a)     reading

b)     read

c)      to read


66. Liz loves_______ oranges, but she dislikes peeling them.

a)     eat

b)     eats

c)      eating


67. Some students don’t like _______ to do homework.

a)     having

b)     have

c)      had


68. _______ be home at nine tonight.

a)     I’ll

b)     I

c)      I’ll being


69. Karen is not in town, and she probably_______  to school today.

a)     won’t came

b)     won’t come                        

c)      want come  


70. Alice _______ a piece of cheesecake for dessert.

a)     will has

b)     will have

c)      will having


71. I saw Mary yesterday. I _______ at the bank.

a)     run into her

b)     ran into her

c)      ran her into


72. The bus was full. We couldn’t _______.

a)     get on

b)     got on

c)      get at


73. _______! A car is coming.

a)     Look at

b)     Look  after

c)      Look out


74. Bob is leaving tomorrow and coming _______ on Sunday.

a)     back

b)     away

c)      at


75. How_______ is your son? He’s ten.

a)     many years

b)     olds

c)      old


76. _______ big is your apartment?

a)     How

b)     What

c)      Which


77. _______ times a week do you go shopping?

a)     How much

b)     Many

c)      How many


78. How _______ does Alex speak English? 

a)     many

b)     nice

c)      well  


79. Where _______ Louise live? In Montreal.

a)     do

b)     does

c)      is


80. What _______ yesterday?

a)     happens

b)     is happening

c)      happened


81. When _______  study English? Last year.

a)     have you    

b)     do you

c)      did you                        


82. Why _______ John fly to Miami? To visit  his parents.

a)     do

b)     has

c)      did


83. _______ grandparents live in Scotland.

a)     Sallys’

b)     Sally’s

c)      Sally


84. Tom fixed the_______ bicycle.

a)     child’s

b)     childs’s

c)      childs’


85. Our _______ house is big and beautiful.

a)     friends

b)     friends’s

c)      friends’      


86. The _______ jeans and shoes are expensive. They are from London.

a)     childrens

b)     childrens’s

c)      children’s 


87. Robin is _______ student.

a)     intelligent

b)     an intelligent

c)      a intelligent


88. My cousins went to_______ last night.

a)     a cinemas

b)     the cinema

c)      cinema


89.  _______ , we went to the zoo.

a)     In an afternoon

b)     In the afternoon

c)      In afternoon    


90. If we drive to Florida, we _______ our friends in Miami.

a)     visit

b)     will visit

c)      are visited


91. If the weather is nice, you _______ to the park.

a)     can go

b)     can going

c)      can to go            


92. Olga can study French in Paris if she_______ enough money.

a)     had

b)     has

c)      having


93. Will you visit Yellowstone Park if _______ to the USA?

a)     you go                                    

b)     you going

c)      you went


94. _______ you like to play tennis with us?

a)     Would

b)     Will

c)      Want


95. We usually watch TV _______ the evening.

a)     in

b)     on

c)      at


96. Ann and Frank’s twins were born _______ August.

a)     at

b)     in

c)      on


97. Mike fell asleep _______ 10:30 last night.

a)     on

b)     in

c)      at


98. Our next class will be _______ Wednesday.

a)     in

b)     on

c)      at


99. Frank usually takes a walk _______ before he goes to work.

a)     in the morning

b)     at the morning

c)      in morning


100. _______? I haven’t seen her for weeks.

a)     Is Jane where

b)     Where’s Jane

c)      Where Jane is


101. We went to school _____ taxi.

a)     in

b)     with

c)      by


102. Is Ottawa the capital of Canada? I think _____.

a)     so

b)     that

c)      is


103. I paid for the products _____ cash.

a)     by

b)     in

c)      with


104. The last time I _____ Tim was in November.

a)     have seen

b)     saw

c)      was seeing


105. I forgot my wallet; can I  _____ some money from you, please?

a)     make

b)     borrow

c)      lend


106. May I sit down? Of course, you _____ ask.

a)     don't need to

b)     mustn't to

c)      shouldn't to


107. _____ anything interesting recently?

a)     Are you reading

b)     Have you read

c)      Do you read


108. Wrestling is not as dangerous _____ boxing.

a)     like

b)     as

c)      than


109. If the weather _____ bad tomorrow, we can have our picnic next week.

a)     would be

b)     is

c)      will be


110. When do you want to come in? _____ time on Friday is OK.

a)     Any

b)     Every

c)      All the


111. If we _____ closer to the park, we would go there every day.

a)     would live

b)     lived

c)      had lived


112. Have you finished _____ your homework yet?

a)     to do

b)     do

c)      doing


113. When I was young, I _____ flowers from the neighbour's garden.

a)     would pick

b)     did pick

c)      was picking


114. I _____ a book about Stephen Hawking at the moment.

a)     read

b)     reading

c)      am reading


115. How old are you? _____.

a)     I am 22 years old

b)     I have 22 years

c)      I am 22 years


116. She _____ her father's birthday.

a)     is always forgeting

b)     always forgets

c)      forgets always


117. It is very late; we _____ soon.

a)     should leave

b)     should to leave

c)      should leaving


118. I don't have a lot of time; I _____be home in 20 minutes.

a)     must to

b)     have to

c)      had to


119. He works so _____.

a)     too hardly

b)     hard

c)      hardly


120. _____ a pet will change your life.

a)     To have had

b)     To be having

c)      Having


121. They _____ cards when the teacher walked in the classroom.

a)     were playing

b)     have been playing

c)      played


122. I like my colleagues; we _____ on well.

a)     look

b)     make

c)      get


123. You are talking very _____.

a)     louder

b)     loudly

c)      loudest


124. It's a bit cold in here; please _____ the window.

a)     you close

b)     close

c)      to close


125. 100 is _____ than 10.

a)     greater

b)     greatier

c)      more great


126. She is _____ girl in her class.

a)     the taller

b)     the tallest

c)      tallest


127. There are two new kids in the class - a boy and _____ girl.

a)     the

b)     an

c)      a


128. _____ delicious!

a)     These cheeses is

b)     This cheese is

c)      This cheese are


129. Stan and Bea _____ going to travel this summer.

a)     are

b)     will be

c)      would be


130. Are you free this weekend? We can _____ you.

a)     to visit

b)     be visiting

c)      visit


131. I always _____ up at 6 in the morning.

a)     get

b)     make

c)      look


132. We _____ camping this weekend.

a)     will to go

b)     going to

c)      are going


133. I _____ him before.

a)     have met

b)     have been meet

c)      was meeting


134. Fred decided _____ a shower after dinner.

a)     to had

b)     to have

c)      having


135. Would you like _____ out for dinner?

a)     to go

b)     going

c)      to be gone


136._____ you drink, do not drive!

a)     Unless

b)     Do

c)      If


137. If you _____ careful, you will hurt yourself.

a)     won't be

b)     aren't

c)      don't be


138. What _____ made of?

a)     are stars

b)     stars are

c)      do stars


139. When _____ leave for work?

a)     do usually you

b)     do you usually

c)      usually you do


140. There was _____ in the classroom.

a)     no persons

b)     no anybody

c)      nobody


141. I'll tell him when I _____ him.

a)     see

b)     will see

c)      saw


142. There was _____ in the box; it was empty.

a)     anything

b)     nothing

c)      something


143. Have you _____ been to Paris?

a)     before

b)     ever

c)      still


144. I hate spiders, and _____ she.

a)     so is

b)     also does

c)      so does


145. _____ handsome men!

a)     What

b)     So

c)      How


146. Tell me who _____ blue eyes in their family.

a)     is having

b)     have

c)      has


147. Whose lighter is this? It's _____.

a)     her

b)     she's

c)      hers


148. Were you sleeping when I called? Yes, _____.

a)     I was

b)     I did

c)      I sleeping


149. Is she studying? No, she _____.

a)     isn't

b)     doesn't

c)      isn't doing


150. Did you _____ by bus?

a)     came

b)     went

c)      come


151. He _____ a new phone last month.

a)     was buying

b)     bought

c)      has bought


152. Where _____ on holiday last summer?

a)     you went

b)     did you went

c)      did you go


153. May I talk _____ Mrs Smith, please?

a)     with

b)     for

c)      to


154. He is not funny at all; _____ laughs at his jokes.

a)     somebody

b)     nobody

c)      anybody


155. Who's that lady sitting _____ the first row?

a)     on

b)     in

c)      at


156. We have lived here _____ 1992.

a)     since

b)     before

c)      for


157. Would you like _____ rice with that?

a)     a

b)     a few

c)      some


158. He always starts the day with _____ egg.

a)     an

b)     some

c)      the


159. Do you like _____?

a)     to cook

b)     cooking

c)      to be cooking


160. _____ you like some tea?

a)     Will

b)     Would

c)      Are


161. _____ like tennis.

a)     Both girls

b)     The both girls

c)      Both them


162. Marcy has read _____ books on the Beatles.

a)     all the

b)     every

c)      all


163. When Philip _____, I will tell him.

a)     will call

b)     does call

c)      calls


164. I don't know _____ about international finance.

a)     something

b)     nothing

c)      anything


165. We stayed at our cottage _____ a month.

a)     in

b)     for

c)      during


166. Is he _____ his sister?

a)     older than

b)     more older than

c)      older that


167. _____ these sandwiches would you like to eat?

a)     Which

b)     What of

c)      Which of


168. Have you handed in your assignment? _____.

a)     Not still

b)     Not yet

c)      Not already


169. I don't speak German, and she _____.

a)     doesn't either

b)     doesn't too

c)      doesn't neither


170. I speak French, and _____.

a)     also she does

b)     so does she

c)      so she does


171. Have you ever been to Moscow? Yes, I _____ there last year.

a)     went

b)     have gone there

c)      was going


172. _____ I come in, please?

a)     May

b)     Will

c)      Would


173. My car was in front of _____.

a)     theirs

b)     they're

c)      their


174. James _____ on another pair of socks because he was cold.

a)     puts

b)     is putting

c)      put


175. I only had _____ money for a small chocolate bar.

a)     enough

b)     any

c)      much


176. _____ are very athletic.

a)     Both of them

b)     Both they

c)      Both them


177. These boots are _____ those.

a)     the same that

b)     as same as

c)      the same as


178. Charlotte is _____ Nancy.

a)     more nice

b)     nicer than

c)      nicer that


179. She is _____ me.

a)     as tall to

b)     as tall as

c)      as tall so


180. Jill _____ the bus for an hour.

a)     was waiting

b)     waited

c)      was waiting for


181. Do you need anything? No, I _____.

a)     don't

b)     needn't

c)      didn't need


182. _____ lovely earrings!

a)     What a

b)     What

c)      Which


183. _____ I don't get home before the kids go to bed.

a)     Always

b)     Never

c)      Sometimes


184. Shhhh! Go _____ now.

a)     sleeping

b)     to sleep

c)      asleep


185. Where is my phone? There _____.

a)     it

b)     it is

c)      is it


186. Are you doing anything at the moment? Yes, _____.

a)     I do

b)     I am

c)      I am doing


187. She _____ next month.

a)     will be 50 years old

b)     will have 50 years

c)      will became 50


188. How is the baby? He _____.

a)     is a boy

b)     is at home

c)      is fine


189. When _____ Mrs Cooper?

a)     you meet

b)     did you meet

c)      did you met


190. She _____ her coat and left the house.

a)     took on

b)     set on

c)      put on


191. If you _____ your parents, they will be very worried.

a)     not call

b)     didn't called

c)      don't call


192. Where _____ you live when you were a child?

a)     did

b)     do

c)      were


193. Mount Everest is the _____ mountain in the world.

a)     very high

b)     highest

c)      most high


194. Would you like _____ cup of coffee?

a)     one other

b)     other

c)      another


195. _____ was the weather like last weekend?

a)     Which

b)     What

c)      How


196. Would you like to go _____ with me later?

a)     shopping

b)     to be shopping

c)      to shop


197. My brother is studying to be _____ architect.

a)     an

b)     a

c)      the


198. Take an umbrella just in case; I think _____ is going to rain.

a)     that

b)     there

c)      it


199. I'd _____ play tennis than watch it.

a)     rather

b)     better

c)      more


200. May I have _____ jam on my toast, please?

a)     a

b)     some

c)      much